Urinary Incontinence Treatment
Urinary incontinence can happen when the muscles or nerves in your urinary tract don’t work as well as they should, or when the vaginal walls become thin or atrophied.
Do you occasionally leak urine when you sneeze or laugh? Do you sometimes experience an out-of-nowhere urge to pee and have trouble getting to the bathroom fast enough? If so, you may have urinary incontinence, a condition that strikes as
many as 4 in 10 women at some point in their lives.
Urinary incontinence can happen when the muscles or nerves in your urinary tract don’t work as well as they should, or when the vaginal walls become thin or atrophied. There are two main types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence and urge incontinence.
- Stress incontinence occurs when pressure on your bladder causes it to release urine. Pressure can happen when you press down on your bladder when laughing, sneezing, coughing, or exercising. (If you automatically cross your legs when you feel a sneeze coming on, you know what it’s like to have stress incontinence.)
- Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, occurs when you have a sudden, unexpected urge to urinate, or when you need to urinate frequently. Spasms in your bladder may make it difficult for you to get to a toilet before releasing urine.
In women, common causes of urinary incontinence include physical changes related to pregnancy and childbirth or hormone changes that occur during menopause. These conditions can contribute to the thinning of vaginal tissue.
TempSure Vitalia is a laser treatment for vaginal tightening and rejuvenation. Unlike MonaLisa Touch (which we also provide), Vitalia is designed to improve the symptoms of vaginal atrophy (laxity, dryness, itchiness, and painful sex) in younger women and women who have recently given birth. The Vitalia device has been approved by the FDA for tightening and restoration of loose vaginal tissue and can also improve nerve sensitivity for a better sexual experience.
TempSure Vitalia uses a radiofrequency (RF) probe to fit into the vaginal canal to stimulate new collagen and elastin cells in the vagina. This will tighten the vagina and will lead to an increase in nerve sensitivity. If you are younger and are caught off guard by the symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy, TempSure Vitalia is available here at New Light Laser & Aesthetics and offers predictable, temperature-controlled and safe treatments.
No referral is necessary to book a consultation with Dr. Jeffery. During the consultation you will be asked for a comprehensive history about your gynaecological health, including sexual functioning as well as a self evaluation questionnaire and an evaluation of your level of comfort with the appearance and functioning of your labia and vagina. You will also have a clinical examination. We will then be able to determine the level of the problem and come up with a treatment plan.