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Uneven Skin

Uneven skin texture is commonly a result of excess dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin.

Our skin texture can change at any age due to internal and external factors, some of which are aging, diet, allergies/food intolerances, genetics, UV exposure, and a poor skincare routine. Changes can include dull skin, skin that looks dry, and an uneven complexion.

Uneven skin texture is commonly a result of excess dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin. This can make areas of the skin feel rough or bumpy to the touch and can also give the skin a dull appearance.

Most commonly, however, our skin’s texture changes due to its maturation, leaving the first layer thinned and fragile due to a loss of collagen. But treatment can help retain the beauty and health of your skin’s texture so that you can look and feel your best.

At New Light Laser and Aesthetics we have a few options for people seeking assistance with uneven skin texture. During your consultation, one of our Medical Aestheticians will develop a Custom Treatment Plan to best address your skin concern. 

PicoSure® is a breakthrough laser treatment that can improve skin tone and texture and reduce signs of aging. This safe and effective laser treatment is effective for wrinkles, age spots, fine lines and even stretch marks with comfortable treatments and a short recovery time.

Using highly targeted energy, PicoSure® Skin gently disrupts the particles responsible for a range of pigment conditions like freckles, sunspots, hyperpigmentation and other discoloration. Using the unique focus lens, PicoSure® Skin can also improve wrinkles, age lines and even pitted acne scars.

What can PicoSure® Skin treat?

PicoSure® Skin is a non-surgical way to get high-impact results in treating a wide variety of hard-to-treat pigment conditions, including melasma, that cause uneven skin tone. It is also effective for deep acne scars and wrinkles. Because it uses carefully targeted energy, PicoSure® is safe for all skin types and skin tones.

PicoSure® Skin diminishes the appearance of:

  • Acne scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Freckles
  • Melasma
  • Brown spots
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Stretch marks

PicoSure® Skin can be used on the face, neck, chest, legs, arms and hands.

We also offer our patients the innovative power and versatility of the ICON Laser. This advanced laser houses three different treatment modalities in one machine, giving Dr. Jeffery and his trained laser aestheticians a wide range of options to address uneven skin texture. 

Patients often come into our office with a variety of cosmetic concerns they want to improve. The beauty of the Icon Laser is that it can address multiple issues in just one treatment or spread out over multiple treatments if indicated. Additionally, this leading device is more comfortable during treatment, offering the same wonderful benefits as other lasers but with less discomfort and downtime.

Another feature of the ICON is its intelligent skin reading device that determines the melanin amount in the skin being treated, which ensures optimal safety for a wide range of skin types.

The Icon Laser can help with the following:

  • Diminishing small facial veins
  • Photodamage and pigmentation
  • Reducing lines and wrinkles
  • Diminishing surgical and acne scars
  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Resurfacing dull skin
  • Age spots and sunspots

Fractional Resurfacing with the ICON Laser

Fractional, ablative laser resurfacing has been a popular and well-loved option for complete skin renewal. However, the discomfort and downtime required with previous lasers was a concern for many patients. The ICON 1540 Laser, on the other hand, offers a one-time treatment with minimal downtime and a fast recovery, giving patients dramatic improvements in the overall appearance of their skin.*

The ICON 1540 non-ablative fractional laser uses microscopic beams of heat to stimulate cells to thicken the underlying collagen resulting in improved skin tone, texture and elasticity. This laser is safe on most skin types, and a series of treatments are required for optimal results. Since the non-ablative 1540 laser does not remove a layer of your skin, sunblock and makeup can be applied immediately, and no downtime is experienced. This device is commonly used to treat all types of scars, stretch marks and complexion irregularities on most skin types.

ThreeForMe Treatments

The ICON Laser is the only system that can administer ThreeForMe treatments. A combination IPL and laser renewal treatment, ThreeForMe is a great option for patients wishing to improve lines, wrinkles, sun damage and uneven skin texture with very minimal downtime.* This skin-enhancing technology not only evens out tone and texture, but it also helps stimulate collagen production for smoother, more youthful-looking skin.* ThreeForMe treatments generally require a series of treatments for optimal results.*

Three for Me Treatments

Medical Grade Chemical Facial Peels rejuvenate and refine the look of your skin. They work by removing the outermost layer of skin, causing immediate gratification by diminishing imperfections. Peels effectively combat acne, reduce pore size, dullness, blotchiness, age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Peels can be used as a stand alone treatment or as a part of a customized treatment plan for more dramatic effect when combined with other treatments or procedures.We offer two types of medical grade chemical peels from the leaders in skincare to help you look and feel your best. First, the minimally invasive yet very effective Vivier® Peel, which is ideal for sensitive skin. The second type, the Jessner Peel, is the most intense which is especially effective for those most concerned about hyperpigmentation, sun damage, acne and scarring.

Benefits from Medical Grade Chemical Facial Peels include: 

  • Improving skin complexion and radiance.
  • Softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  
  • Reducing age spots, blemishes, hyperpigmentation, and skin discolouration.  
  • Diminishing the appearance of melasma and rosacea. 
  • Reducing overall skin redness.
  • Firming the skin by stimulating collagen production. 
  • Reducing the appearance of acne scars. 
  • Tightening and reducing pore size.
  • Age spots, sun spots & pigmentation. 

A great add-on to our in-clinic treatments is our pharmaceutical-grade Vivier® Skin Care line. Vivier® Skin Care products are carefully formulated and manufactured to the highest standards. This pharmaceutical-grade skincare line has strong science, innovative ingredients and rigorous testing in order to deliver exceptional results.

Gold standard ingredients in these treatment products include microencapsulated Retinol, Alpha-Arbutin, Resorcinol, pure Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) and Peptides.

The New Light Team has extensive training on the Vivier® Skin Care product line and can help build the perfect skincare system for you. 

Potenza takes RF microneedling to new levels. The versatility this system provides allows us to customize your treatments based on your specific needs – all skin types, anywhere on the body, any time of the year. The industry gold standard for skin tightening, toning, acne scarring improvement, surgical scar improvement, cystic acne treatment, mommy tummy makeover, underarm tightening, and improving the look of cellulite.

 Pre-treatment Instructions - PicoSure

Precautions to take before your light-based treatment:

  • No sun exposure, tanning beds and sunless tanning cream for 4 weeks prior to treatment. Sun exposure decreases the effectiveness of the laser treatment and can increase the chance of Post treatment complications.
  • Use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply to the treated area every 2 hours when exposed to the sun and it is recommended to make this a part of your skin care routine.
  • Remove all makeup, creams or oils prior to treatment.
  • Be sure to inform your care provider if you have ever had cosmetic tattoos or cosmetic pigmentation or permanent makeup applied near the area of treatment.

Instructions following your PicoSure treatment:

After cleansing and while skin is still moist, apply a thin layer of Aquaphor®️ ointment to the treated tattoo.

Apply a non-stick pad over the tattoo until it is healed.

Avoid sun exposure to the treated area. Use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply to the treated area every 2 hours when exposed to the sun and it is recommended to make this part of your skin care routine.

Clean the area daily with mild soap and water and pat dry.

Do not shave the treated area if crusting is evident.

Avoid sun exposure between treatments. If sun exposure is unavoidable, apply SPF 30+ to protect exposed, treated areas.

Apply moisturizers for sensitive skin as needed.

For patients who are prone to breakouts or have sebaceous skin, consider waiting 24 hours before applying any topical products.

Do not rub or scratch the area.

Discomfort may be relieved by using cool gel packs or acetaminophen.

If blistering occurs, keep the area moist by applying Aquaphor®️ 3 times per day or antibiotic ointment per recommendation of the physician. Do not enter swimming pools or hot tubs until treated areas are healed.

No swimming or using hot tubs for 48 hours post treatment. 

Icon Non-ablative laser post-treatment instructions

Application of cool gel packs and appropriate topical creams immediately following treatment can help alleviate post treatment itchiness and stinging that may occur.

Edema, and sometimes blanching, is expected immediately post-treatment and generally resolves within 24- 48 hours. It may last up to 3 - 5 days in some clients.

Those being treated may experience significant redness, broken capillaries and bronzing in the treatment area for approximately 1 -3 days after treatment. This may persist in mild form for several weeks particularly in areas other than the face.

Following a more aggressive treatment, it may be helpful to use some occlusive ointment on the skin after treatment and during the healing process to help desquamation or crusting.

To help remove debris and bronzing of the skin that can appear 1 - 4 days after treatment, soak treated areas for 5 - 15 minutes with gauze or washcloth wet with water, then gently remove debris. Do not pick at or scrub the treated areas.

Gently cleansing and use of non-irritating cosmetics are permitted after treatment. It is suggested that retinoids be discontinued 1 - 2 weeks prior to the initial treatment and throughout the course of treatment. The use of retinoids during the treatment course may result in undesirable side effects and prolonged healing.

Those prone to acne outbreaks should avoid heavy makeup and moisturizers for 24 hours post-treatment.

As healing occurs, clients should avoid injury and sun exposure for at least 2 weeks following treatments. It is highly recommended that clients use sunscreen with SPF 45 or higher containing UVA/UVB protection between treatments, along with a sun blocker such as zinc oxide whenever they are outside.

Once the treatment area has healed, some itching or dryness may occur. This will gradually clear. The use of non-irritation moisturizers may provide some relief.

After treating striae (stretch marks) it is recommended to avoid tight fitting clothes around the treated area for 3 months after the last laser treatment.

Please advise the treatment provider if there are any issues or concerns following your treatment.


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